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The Route

Here you can find links to Google Maps of the route that Thomas Stevens took. If you click on a place marker it will give you details of the date the place was visited and the location that the place appears in the book. My locations refer to the Project Gutenberg digital copies if you are using a Kindle to read them.
Because a Kindle can change the size of the font, the page numbers go a bit mad so I have used the location number instead.
The Chapters are the same in the paper book and the digital copies.
Armed with all this claptrap you can read the book at the same speed as me cycling.

Map 1. The route through England

View Thomas Stevens England in a larger map

Map 2: The route through France

View Thomas Stevens Map 2 France in a larger map

Map 3: The route through Gemany

View Thomas Stevens Map 3 Germany in a larger map

Map 4: The route through Austria, Hungary & Serbia

View Thomas Stevens Map 4 Austria, Hungary & Serbia in a larger map

Map 5: The route through Bulgaria & Turkey

View Thomas Stevens Map 5 Bulgaria & Turkey in a larger map